April 15, 2022
Today’s Daily Devotional
“And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.”
I heard of a time back when haircuts were 50 cents, back in the olden days. A preacher went into the barbershop and got a haircut, and he started to pay the barber. The barber said, “No, that’s all right. You’re a pastor. I’m not going to charge you.” The pastor said, “No, I want to pay.” The barber said, “No, I will come listen to you preach, and I’ll take it out in preaching.” The pastor said, “I don’t have any 50-cent sermons.” The barber said, “That’s okay. I’ll come twice.” I want to tell you that a sermon that does not affirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a profitless, worthless exercise in futility.
- Why are Christian preaching and the Christian faith empty if Christ has not been raised from the dead?
- How would you answer another Christian who says the reality of the resurrection doesn’t matter very much?
Journal a list of ways the resurrection impacts our lives each day as Christians and gives us hope for the future.
Listen to the Full Message
What If There Had Been No Easter?
1 Corinthians 15:12-19
In this message, Adrian Rogers gives a tragic account of our lives without Jesus, if there had been no Easter.
90 Seconds of Profound Truth
God Teaches Us to Work Together
Friend, we can do more together than any one of us can do by himself.
“Jesus lived in the shadow of the cross. He knew from His youth that He was born to die. And die He did—for all of mankind to be saved.” –Pastor Adrian Rogers Click here to watch this special Good Friday message.