Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Pornography, Pastors and Porn


Recently a Christian man was sharing with me his addiction to porn. He poured his heart to me in telling me the story. He would look at it on his phone at home. One day he broke down and told his wife about his addiction. She was not happy of course, but it was the start of healing for both. I tell you this story because porn is a major problem in the lives of many Christians. Research shows us that: Pastors and Porn

Years and years ago Pastor Leonard Navarre and his son did an outstanding program on KKIM Christian Radio: “Christians addicted to Porn” It woke me up about of this horrible addiction of men in the Church. I wish I had a recording of that program, it was excellent with solid research. Since that time I have had many men just open up to me about the problem. That is the start of the healing process, just like any other addiction, you have to be honest with God, yourself and family.

It seems every week there is more and more news reports of child phonography in the lives of Church leaders in America.

This message is from Luke Gilkerson in CHURCHLEADERS:

Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Pornography

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