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The Crisis of Preaching: The Church Must Preach Christ

From Sermon Central:

The church of the twenty-first century faces many crises. One of the most serious is the crisis of preaching. Widely diverse philosophies of preaching vie for acceptance among contemporary clergy. Some see the sermon as a fireside chat; others, as a stimulus for psychological health; still others, as a commentary on contemporary politics. But some still view the exposition of sacred Scripture as a necessary ingredient to the office of preaching. In light of these views, it is always helpful to go to the New Testament to seek or glean the method and message found in the biblical record of apostolic preaching.

In the first instance, we must distinguish between two types of preaching. The first has been called kerygma; the second, didache. This distinction refers to the difference between proclamation (kerygma) and teaching or instruction (didache). It seems that the strategy of the apostolic church was to win converts by means of the proclamation of the gospel.

The Church Must Preach Christ

FGGAM Shares a Biblical Worldview Everyday:

“The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it. It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires, and governments. He is to be worshiped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word. He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life.”

From Yesterday:

I was having my morning coffee conversation with my lovely wife Sharon today and we talked about how America is split up so much in different beleifs, even the Church. I want to stress to you that only 6% of America has a Biblical Worldview, that is why we are all messed up. You can also look at our rotten to the core political system, the Dems and GOP and all broken into different groups, all scattered about in pieces. Both parties are a huge mess. Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, a Republican, has to fight her own party to get things done, even on prayer in schools!!!!!!Gov. Kristie Noem Interview Can you tell I am not a fan of the two part system in America? They both are putting nails into the coffin of America. There are many belief systems in America, even among Christians. I have been reporting and preaching on this for years! Cause and effect, see it?

I challenge you today when you are carrying out The Great Commission, few do in America, ask people, as you building love and trust with them, what their belief system is. Work with that in a Biblical way with love.

Great insight here by Mike Frost of CHURCHLEADERS:

At the beginning of the 20th century, sociologist Max Weber prophesied that religion-less modernity would become unbearable for secular society. He predicted the emergence of what he called late modernity, a period in which people embraced a kind of polytheism, hybridizing their spirituality by welding together different beliefs and practices in an attempt to find enchantment in the midst of bland secularism.

He might have been right: The Religious Life of Gen Z

American Bible Society: Bible Usage is Plummeting

Sadly, no surprise here. America is falling. It has fallen away from God. Christians are a minority. Many have left the Church. The greatest failure by the American Church is not carrying out The Great Commission. What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!A few years ago Pastor Don Kimbro told me, “The Church is not baptizing enough people.” The lack of Baptisms surely has caught up with America. Some Churches report no baptisims in 2021. There are many that go to Church that do not know what the Great Commission is. So very sad. Salt is missing in from too many pastors and Churches. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 15:13. My friend, Tom Lester, now living with the Lord, always told me Billy Graham never preached a sermon without preaching heaven and hell. Tom traveled with Billy years ago. Tom was an actors in Hollywood, staring in ‘Green Acres’. Tom was a Pastor and evangelist based in Mississippi.

Keep in mind George Barna research shows that just 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, we are in such bad spiritual shape. America lacks MATURE CHRISTIANS!

When I ask people why they do not go to Church, they say the Church does not give them what they need, many say the Church has turned into a business and many say that the Church has lost its way. Many also say the Church has gotten to political, aligning itself with unethical politicians. Here at FGGAM we meet several people very month that do not go to Church any longer. We try to get them connected to a FULL GOSPEL Church. We attempt to build bridges of love and trust with people. Americans are leaving church and most aren’t coming back: report.

Politics divides the world, creates so much hate….JESUS is the uniter of all, the ultimate peacemaker with all souls! I beleive many Americans have made politics a religion. They are putting politics above God.
The central message of Easter is that God still loves us, and because of Christ we can be forgiven. He came for one reason: “Christ died for sins once for all … to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18). May you welcome Him into your life during this holy season.”
So many people strive for one thing more than any other—peace. The reason they seek it is because there’s no lasting comfort or freedom in their lives. It’s like they are always unsettled. The Bible defines peace primarily in three ways.

As many of you know I report the news from a Biblical Worldview, have been for years. Nowadays I see reports everyday of crimes/scandals/bad behavior in the Church. I could report on that all day, the Church’s own rap sheet! Christian media has reports on them everyday. I do not post all of them, because it makes me sick what many are doing to the Bride of Christ. So many show an unbelieving word just what it wants to see from Christians.

The American Bible Society’s 2022 State of the Bible report has revealed an “unprecedented drop” in the number of Bible users in the United States since last year. The survey, which collected responses from nearly 2,600 U.S. adults, found that just 39% of the U.S. adult population are Bible users, a term the ABS defines as “those who use the Bible at least 3-4 times each year on their own, outside of a church setting.” This figure reached a high of 53% in 2014 and dipped to 50% in 2021. Continue reading.
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