I have been and still are very concerned what mad man Putin is going to do. He is of Satan, he has been completely been taken over by Satan. I would not be surprised if he used nuclear weapons in Ukraine and outside of Ukraine. We must be in constant prayer, I am praying for his removal from power. It is so hard for me to watch the war crimes he is committing. What role is China playing in this? What is in their playbook? We are living in the most dangerous time since World War II. Sadly, many Americans do not even know their history. History repeats it self.
Yesterday I had breakfast with New Mexico Broadcast Hall-of Famer Frank Haley. Frank is one of the best newsman ever! We are both very concerned about nuclear war. It a a real threat. We must prepare, we must start with prayer. We must realize we are dealing with a madman in Putin. You cannot reason with him, just like the world could not reason with mad man Hitler.