Do You Have Childlike Faith? It is Much Needed in the Church!


Many adults have made a mess of things for God’s children. Look what we have done to the Church! My goodness! Some Churches dismiss the children from the service to go to Sunday school! I think that is so very wrong! The children need to be in Church! They will teach YOU something! Do you have childlike faith? Do you have the heart of a child? Do you make everything so complicated for your children? Is your Church capable of raising up children of God? Is your church full of children? If not! Why not? A Church is so free in JESUS when it has children in the service. Children teach us much, soften our hearts and should make us not so ridged! I still have childlike faith, do you? Or are you so full of yourself?

I loved serving at FBC in Reserve! The children were always involved in the Church service!

What Does It Mean to Have Childlike Faith?

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