Resurrected with Christ


Philippians 3:10-11 That I may know Yeshua, and the power of his resurrection and that I may share in his sufferings, and be conformed with his death, That perhaps I may be able to come to the resurrection from the place of the dead.

Galatians 2:20 And I have been crucified with The Messiah, and from then on I myself have not been living, but The Messiah is living in me, and this that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of The Son of God, he who has loved us and has given himself for us.

After hearing my testimony someone said to Ron, “I wouldn’t even know that was the same person.” Amen! This got me thinking about resurrection with Christ and what it looks like. During our Easter service, we took communion and then had 21 water baptisms! It was amazing! During that service, I saw His resurrection in me. I looked, really looked at others around me and saw it in them as Him in them!

When we lived in far northern Maine, I used to love to see the crocuses pop up through the snow. The crocus was always there under the ground in bulb form but didn’t come alive above ground until Spring brought it to life.

The power of resurrected life in Him is not about a new you, but Him coming alive in you and living through you!

If you look in 1 Peter 4:6-11 it says that we live in God by the Spirit and have an unchanging love for each other as we live and move by the power of God in us, that He will be glorified in all we do, by Yeshua, The Messiah, whose glory and honor is truly the eternity of eternities. Amen! It’s Him in us doing. We just need to cooperate with Him.

Romans 8:10-11 says, in a nutshell, that if The Messiah is in us, and dwells in us, he who raised Yeshua The Messiah from the dead will give Life to our bodies because of his Spirit dwelling within us.

We all know that life can be tough. In 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 it says we’re squeezed, harassed, persecuted and cast down, but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the greatness of the power would be from God and not from us. We bear in our bodies the dying of Yeshua, that His life also may be revealed in our bodies.

What is so amazing is that He gave us a Helper! We’re totally equipped to reveal Him to those around us. It’s His faith and His power! So good! The Gospel is the good news that He not only lives in us, but He never leaves us helpless.

The Spirit of Truth is in us and he will teach us all things and in this way we shall walk in a new life, his life. Look in John 14:17&26 and Romans 6:3-6

Maybe you’re thinking, ‘How does this work?’ Beloved ones, ask Him for His help. Ask Him to show you His perspective. How does He see this person, what does He want to say to someone. Sit with Him and practice listening for His voice. Ask Him to help you hear Him clearly. Remember, if it’s harsh, condemning or mean, it is NOT Him! Agree with who He says you are. Remember that you’re fully equipped by Him.

Colossians 2:9-12 For all The Fullness of The Deity dwells in him bodily. And you also are completed in him, who is The Head of all Principalities and Powers. And you are circumcised in him by circumcision that is without hands, in the putting off of the body of sins by the circumcision of The Messiah. And you were buried with him in baptism, and in it you arose with him, because you believed in the power of God who raised him from among the dead.

Trust Him, love people, acknowledge every good thing within you in Christ Jesus. Ask The Spirit to help you and watch as you look more and more like Yeshua! It’s no longer you who lives, but Christ in you by His faith and His power! Resurrection looks like me and you! Amen and so be it!

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