Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant


Good morning people of God!!! We are so very thankful for you! This morning I want to share with you about building your Christian foundation. It is so very important. I was blessed to grow up in Windom, Minnesota and have many role models, many heroes of faith I call them! One of the reason I preach today is that I want children to have the growing up that I had in Windom.

I can name you all of my Sunday School teachers, most of my school teachers and other mentors I had in Windom growing up! I have not been home now for years and when I read the newspaper (Yes, I still get my hometown newspaper) I know less and less the names of people in the community. BUT, I will always have Windom in my heart because it helped build my Christian foundation. This is one reason I am still preaching to help people with their Christian foundation, to show them the love and care of JESUS. I want to model for them the best I can what a person of God is. Many children do not get this opportunity in todays world.

I have many heroes of faith.

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