10 Reasons Why Youth Ministry Matters Now More Than Ever: A shocking report states 1,000,000 Christian teens per year will leave the faith


I am not surprised by this report. The Church has lost many adults and children over the last several years. So many Americans have no interest in going to Church. I put it this way, ‘Nobody goes to Church anymore,’ They must be invited to come by YOU and ME! I see congregations shrinking. Many congregations are getting older, not younger. Too many Pastors and leaders are stuck inside the walls and not carrying out The Great Commission. I have found that when you go with Jesus and build bridges of love and trust, all most all will listen to you. I have really never been pushed away. The Church must look itself in the mirror, as a whole here in America, the Church is failing. Just look at your community, Satan is having his way with so very many everyday. No laws will stop this violence. It is by changing hearts for Jesus that will decrease violence. We already have laws on top of laws. I do not know what Christians do not understand about the GREAT COMMISSION!!! it is a COMMAND from JESUS, not a suggestion! How many new members has your Church had in the last year? How many baptisims? What on earth are you doing to build the Kingdom of God???? A lot of Churches have turned into ‘coffee clubs.’ Every Church I see that is on fire for God and growing, is out in their community reaching the lost, building bridges of love and trust. We all will have to answer to God for what we did not do to build the His kingdom. I have seen too many Churches with no youth program, no Sunday School for children, and not many children in Church. This is not right!

Andrew Linder in CHURCHLEADERS posted this today: “If the only time you influence people is when you’re on a stage, you’re a performer, not a disciple-maker.”

When God formed FGGAM 10 years ago as of this August, so many people asked me, “Are you going to start a Church?” and “You should start a Church,” And then many asked as I traveled New Mexico, “Where is your Church?” Our Church is mobile! We know no walls. The late, great Pastor Ray Franks told me, “Dewey do not start a Church, there is one on every street corner in Albuquerque, and most have few attending, Albuquerque does not need anymore Churches.” Ray said, “Do what God has told you to do, go out and preach the gospel.” Ray was a wise man who taught me much in the short time I worked for him.

Invite folks to Church, tell them you will pick them up. I am always disappointed when I ask people at a Church to raise their hand if they have invited someone to Church, hardly anyone raises their hand.

Greg Stier of CHURCHLEADERS reports:

A shocking report (greatopportunity.org) states 1,000,000 Christian teens per year will leave the faith. (Teens with a mission are more likely to stay engaged!)

10 Reasons Why Youth Ministry Matters Now More Than Ever

Our Great Commission Trip to California

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