3 Questions Every Man Should Ask Every Day, AND “If the only time you influence people is when you’re on a stage, you’re a performer, not a disciple-maker.”


This is just plain awesome! Great message by Andrew Linder in CHURCHLEADERS Today:

As a man, you are a leader. You don’t get the choice not to be one. Whether you are a husband, father, friend, or all of the above, God has called you to lead the people closest to you, starting with your family.

One of the key ways that I’m personally learning to become a better leader is to ask better questions. In a recent leader training with my friend, Bill Allison, I learned the following three self-awareness questions that I am striving to implement into my daily life as a leader (and maybe you should too if applicable).

How Can I Pursue my Wife Today?


3 Questions Every Man Should Ask Every Day


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We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
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