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Five Facts About America’s Broken Mental Health-Care System, We Are Failing Our Children! Yes We Are!

I come from a family that was taught by my Mom and Dad to take responsibility for myself and the world I live in.

We are failing our children. Too much politics, not enough JESUS in America. We have such a high murder rate, mass shootings, School Shootings and Student Mental Health: Role of the School Counselor in Mitigating Violence, families torn apart by drugs, booze, gambling, sexual affairs, phonography, mental illness in children. The American Church is losing members, so many children no longer grow up in the church. What is the Church in America doing? We have trained people that they are to rely on the government for everything. I ask again, where is the Church? The Church is to be the hospital for all souls. Share with me your Churches out-reach program in your community. Does your Church carry out The Great Commission? I am excited to report that the First Baptist Church in Reserve, New Mexico is in the process of starting a suicide hot-line in Catron County, New Mexico’s most rural county. Under the leadership of Pastor Sheldon Wolf, the Church is reaching out to the area, taking bold steps for JESUS!

John Wesley stated,  “A child who failed to obey his parents at home will not obey men nor God outside the home.” I was blessed to have the best Mom and Dad ever! Plus, I had awesome grandparents and aunts and uncles! Satan has had his way with the too many families since the 60’s. Satan has torn the fabric of the American family apart in such evil ways. Many children do not have a home in America. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said months ago that there are 3,000 homeless children going to schools in Albuquerque. I suspect many do not have both parents. Many children in America never get a chance to succeed. What a shame! And to think here in New Mexico, we abort babies.

What a mess we are. JESUS! JESUS! is needed in America! I pray more missionaries from South Korea come to America like they did in June to pray for us… pray for another ‘Great Awakening’ in America! So many Christians in America, including Pastors, are asleep at ther wheel! Remember now what we are facing: Only 6% of Americans have a Biblcial  Worldview, and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview! That should show you why we are smelling hell from here.

Five Facts About America’s Broken Mental Health-Care System

What Non-Christians Really Think About Christians! A Must Read For All!

I love good solid Christian research. I was introduced to the work of Thom Rainer years ago by Pastor Leonard Navarre! I am forever grateful. This message by Thom hits home with me, as I to like to listen to those that do not beleive as I do. I learn so much from them on how to better minister to all. Yesterday I was talking long-time Pastor Don Kimbro of Albuquerque and we talked about the failings of the American Church, as Church attendance and membership continues to fall. One of the points that we discussed at great length was the failure of the American Church to carry out The Great Commission! What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO! So many Pastors love to preach to the choir! The lack of baptisims! Some churches report no baptisims for 2 years or more. What happened? All the South Korean Missionaries that came to America in June should be a wake up call for many Pastors!!! Over 240 prayed for another ‘Great Awakening’ in America! Many Pastors are asleep on the job that God gave them! Only 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview! OH MY! Can you not see the results of this failure? All you have to do is take a glimpse of all the evil on the news and in your community. We are not raising up enough Christians. Some churches do not even have many children in attendance and have no Sunday school! John Wesley stated,  “A child who failed to obey his parents at home will not obey men nor God outside the home.”

One more thing….Too many Christians speak hateful words to an unbelieving world, that is not right! Do you think that will attract people to Jesus? Hate only keeps people away from the Church. Jesus calls us to LOVE one another. We are to build bridges of love and trust. It is our own fault that our nation is falling. I say again, the biggest reason is the failure of not carrying out The Great Commission. Look in the mirror, please. Has your Church turned into a social club?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

God has given me a clear vision of what has happened to the Church in America! I pray for more missionaries to come to America! I pray more from South Korea come! I have many South Korean friends, They are such loving, sweet people, who love Jesus so much!

From Thom Rainer in CHURCHLEADERS:

One of my greatest joys in research is talking to and listening to those who clearly identify themselves as non Christians. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not celebrating their absence of faith in Christ. My joy comes from listening to those who don’t believe as I do, so I might be better equipped to witness to them.

Learning from Non Christians

Over the past several years, my research teams and I have interviewed thousands of unchurched non Christians. Among the more interesting insights I gleaned were those where the interviewees shared with me their perspectives of Christians.

In this article, I group the seven most common types of comments in order of frequency. I then follow that representative statement with a direct quote from a non Christian.

Read these comments and see if you learn some of the lessons I learn.

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