The Dems Are Talking Much About Abortion in Their Midterm Advertising, The GOP is Rarely Mentioning It! WHY????.


The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

There is life and a purpose given to the pre-born

I will make many mad at me by this message, so be it. I was approached by a man in Albuquerque after I preached about abortion at a Baptist Church. The man said to me, “I liked your sermon, but why did you preach about abortion so much!” I cannot preach enough about God’s babies! All babies are God’s children! This should not be up for debate with Christians!

God formed every human being

Psalm 139:13-16

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

Pre-born children are a gift


Psalm 127:3-5a


“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!”


Jeremiah 1:5


“Before I formed you in your mother’s body I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart to serve me. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”


There is life and a purpose given to the pre-born


Luke 1:15


“He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.”

What is the GOP afraid of by addressing the abortion issue???? Offending people? Losing votes? I have to tell you this makes me sick! Silence gets you more evil! Where is the boldness in the GOP, can we stop the crazy talk and get down to the business of saving God’s babies??? The GOP candidate for Governor here in New Mexico, Mark Ronchetti is very weak on this issue, from his most recent TV ad I cannot tell you if he is Pro-Life! Please speak clearly on this issue Mr. Ronchetti! What is Pro-Life To You? I have been always taught, and I preach, that life begins at conception! How dare we kill a baby that has been conceived! It seems to me he is playing politics just like other Republicans. They do not want to offend people. I wanted to give Ronchetti the opportunity to share with me his stance on God’s babies and other issues, but he did not reply, and I don’t chase politicians. I know I am ‘small potatoes’ to many politicians.

You cannot be half-way on this issue!!!! You cannot compromise God’s babies!

JESUS is the answer, not more politics!

We must speak up for God’s babies in the love of JESUS! We must build bridges of love and trust with those that do not beleive as JESUS has taught us. Mr. Ronchetti I would love to talk to you! You can email me at What are you going to do with more abortion clinics moving into New Mexico? Demonstrators protest Mississippi abortion clinic’s move to New Mexico

I pray that the GOP look at South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on how to be a leader!

The Wall Street Journal ran a story this week, I am unable to give you a link to the story because I would have to pay a subscription fee, but you will get the point!

Democrats are increasingly talking about abortion in their midterm campaign advertising following the Supreme Court’s reversal of the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, while Republicans are mentioning it rarely following the late-June decision.

A Wall Street Journal analysis of broadcast and national cable data from the ad-tracking firm found it so.

Past Post:

July 8, 1928 – “You know the platform will always be the same, promise everything, deliver nothing.” – The Old America Sage, Will Rogers

Is the GOP Party of New Mexico Pro-life? Does the New Mexico GOP beleive that life begins at conception? Does Ronchetti? The people of New Mexico need clarification from the GOP on what their belief is, especially from GOP Candidate for Governor Rochetti and Party Chairman Steve Pearce! Do not play games with God’s babies! Why can’t you folks stand strong for God’s babies like Kristi Noem and other GOP Governors? Please read Psalm 139. Also this from Focus on the Family: THE ‘SANCTITY OF LIFE’ ETHIC

And this from  Chuck Swindoll on the Sanctity of Life

I texted New Mexican GOP candidate for governor Mark Ronchetti, but he does not answer my questions on abortion. I am not a popular man. I do not aim to be a popular man in this world, I aim to serve God with all my being, I always tell the truth, so I do not have much time at all for politics. I have said for years that politics is the playground of Satan. I have  been very disappointed from a Biblcial Worldview, on how the Rochetti plays politics with God’s babies. His most recent TV commercial shows that! He seems afraid to really speak the truth into this matter of God’s babies being killed here in New Mexico through abortion. Afraid to speak truth into the matter because of being afraid of not getting elected. I would leave that to God Almighty. Rochetti is not the only one that tries to appease the ungodly, many Pastors are silent also! I tell you, politics can really mess with an honest man, it can make him or her something they are not. All this makes me wonder if the majority of New Mexico is for abortion? New Mexico is a stinking mess. Will it ever clean itself up?

I beleive Ronchetti is getting very bad advice on abortion. He should be himself. He cannot be someone else, he should stand on his own two feet. I know of one of his advisors and that is why I say this. It is always good to be straight on with us on how you stand on all issues. Do not be playing games with us. Do you have a Biblcial Worldview Mark? Talk to me. Everyone, please read Psalm 139. Does your Pastor preach and teach on the Ten Commandments? Do you know what they are? They are commands, not suggestions. The Sixth Commandment from God is: Thou shalt not kill. — God wants us to protect human life. I would strongly suggest not to debate God and His Ten Commandments.

I have attached an article that the Santa Fe New Mexican wrote on this issue of Ronchetti and Governor Lujan Grisham, who is for aborting babies at anytime, that is so very evil. How does a person like that get elected? What is going on Christians? Anyhow, this write up by the Santa Fe New Mexican, the link is below, tells us how Pastor Steve Somthermon of Legacy has addressed this issue with Ronchetti. I agree with Pastor Steve that Roncheitt blew it right out of the chute. Mark Ronchetti Twitter Feed

I have stood up for God’s babies all my life. Since 1995 here in New Mexico, at Dewey’s Daily Cup, KKIM Christian radio, Dewey and Friends TV program, and now at FGGAM for the last 10 years as of next month. I have been lied to, misguided and threatened by a GOP politician, and stood up and misguided to by Governor Martinez. This is why I am an Independent. I look for the fruit. I will not belong to either party, because it would be like me being associated with a dysfunctional Church.

I have always tried to speak to the issues head on, with a Biblical Worldview. This is why I am not a popular man here in New Mexico. Only 6% of Americans and just 37% of pastors have a Biblical Worldview! That is from Barna Research. That shows us why we stink as a nation. You now know why over 240 missionaries from South Korea came to America in June to pray for our country and pray for a ‘Great Awakening.’ The world sees us falling.

This past week I got this note from by Brother in Christ, Chuck Akeley of Albuquerque:

I’m really beginning to understand what you mean by politics is, basically, evil. It promotes so many situations where compromise of biblical standards seems almost unavoidable. Any pastoral guidance would be accepted, as I’m just having a hard time imagining myself voting for a candidate who is clearly articulating a lukewarm position on life simply to better his chances of winning. Of course, in this state, that pretty much assures another four years of damage…

Truth Chuck!

The Santa Fe New Mexican Reports: The pastor of an Albuquerque megachurch described Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti’s new, more moderate stance on abortion (His New TV AD, which made me ill)

Here is how the Santa Fe New Mexican is reporting on this issue

FGGAM Shares a Biblical Worldview Everyday:

“The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it. It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires, and governments. He is to be worshiped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word. He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life.”

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