Devotion in Motion
John 1:1-2
Author Robert Frost summed up all he’d learned about life in a phrase, “Life goes on.” Life has no time outs, or intermissions, or half-times. Life never takes a break to let you catch your breath. Life just goes on.
And the key to fulfillment in life is to find some meaning along the journey. This was the aim of the ancient Greeks. They scoured life’s menu looking for an overarching purpose that made sense of it all.
The Greeks noticed that nature operates according to universal laws. So, they figured there had to be a master plan – a kind of logic or intelligent force responsible for the order and symmetry in nature.
The Greek philosophers coined a term for this ultimate
reality, the logos – or in English, “the Word.”
This was the preoccupation of Greek philosophy – to identify
the logos – the reason behind reality.
They examined the visible world around them to pick up on
some expression of this unseen purpose.
Yet despite their great wisdom, the philosophers of antiquity failed to find an answer to the ultimate question. Their search was a bust. Their wisdom was summed up by the man that quoted Robert Frost, but with an addendum… “Life goes on…I just forgot why.”
The Apostle John wrote to a Greek audience, and he must’ve shocked his readers. For in the first chapter he answers the question that had stumped their famed philosophers for centuries. John had good news!
The Word has been heard! The unseen is revealed!
There is a God, and He has made known His nature in a Word… The logos the Greeks were searching for wasn’t a force, but a person named Jesus.
Jesus is the reason behind reality – the logos behind the cosmos. Jesus Christ is the residence of absolute truth – of undiluted love – of eternal life. Life goes on, and it’s all about Jesus! Come to Jesus, and you find the reason you were
created and the purpose for life!
John starts his Gospel with a bang, “In the beginning was the Word (that is, the Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Here is one of Scripture’s clearest testimonies to the deity of Jesus. Jesus is the Word, and “the Word was God.”
Just as my words are the expression of my mind and heart – the Word is the expression of God. Hebrews 1:1-2 tells us that in times past God spoke through Hebrew prophets, but in these last days He’s spoken to us by His Son. Jesus is God’s final word to mankind.
In the world of sports the Nike Swoosh is everywhere. It’s the company’s logo. Nike pays sports teams to wear the Swoosh on their uniforms. Nike’s logo is nothing more than a fat apostrophe, but it’s instantly recognizable worldwide. It’s associated with all Nike promotes – speed, skill, athleticism, victory. Well, God also has a logo. The Word became flesh.
A baby – a little apostrophe, if you will – was born in Bethlehem. When you think of God’s infinite wisdom, and ultimate power, and perfect love – you think of Jesus. Our Lord is God’s logo – He’s God’s Swoosh.
All of the Nike Corporation’s goals and culture are expressed in their Swoosh. Likewise, all of God is packed up and revealed in Jesus Christ.
Yet, here’s the difference between a logo and the logos. Nike created its Swoosh, but the Logos of God was not created. Our
Lord Jesus was there before creation. John says of Jesus in verse 2, “He was in the beginning with God.” In these first two verses John sheds light on the mysteries of the universe…
Jesus is the expression, or logos of God, but He’s more… He’s God Himself. The Greek word for God is “Theos,” so John is saying that the Logos and Theos are one in the same. Jesus was preexistent and uncreated. He was with God before time even began.
What John was saying then and what he is saying now is that the
The key to life, and truth, and God… is Jesus.
Victor Tafoya
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