JESUS says in MATTHEW 18:20 KJV “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Will you gather together with us this Friday night, July 22, 2022, 6-8:30pm MT at Sloan-Simpson Park in Corona, New Mexico or online @christianbody.net @christianbody.tv @appletv @roku @streamingchurch.tv @facebook @twitter @YouTube or on other social media sites worldwide for The Rooftop Encounter, facilitated by Senior Pioneer for The Rooftop North America, John Whaley LIVE. Gather together with two or three other believers from anywhere on planet earth, on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC, get groups together from your church and experience the prequel to the largest online prayer gathering in the world, coming October 2 this year (see details at http://www.therooftop.org Prayer at the Heart Rooftop Encounter Facilitators Guide.pdf Prayer at the Heart Rooftop Encounter Personal Journal.pdf ), so invite everyone you know to participate, but definitely come in person if you can!
Saturday, July 23, 2022, 10am-4pm MT, JOIN Us for PRAYER AT THE HEART OF NEW MEXICO, a national movement that started in Lebanon, Kansas last year and will be taking place in the center of every state across America this year, the center of each county in 2023 + the center of every city in the USA come 2024! HEAR from God and each other, as the Body of Christ comes together as ONE/Echad In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE, according to Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17, with every member doing their part, so we can ALL come into the FULLNESS of God, as written in Ephesians. You will participate in worship, hear prophetic words that have been spoken over our state, pray into God’s Prophecies and Promises that are yes and amen In Him and hear words of encouragement to NM from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Dai Sup Han, USA Promise Keepers National Prayer Coordinator, Alistair Petri from Partnership Ministries in Canada, Bishop Doug Small, National Prayer Leader for Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Gerard Long, USA Coordinator for PATH, Pastor Richard Mansfield, Overseer for NM Prays + many other local, state national and internationally known leaders. This is an Historic Happening that’s coming to the heart of our state, so let’s pray that God’s Kingdom Comes and His Will Be Done, On NM’s Earth, as it is in The Heavenlies! Visit http://prayerattheheart.org for more details and http://www.christianbody.tv/Events to Register for this Free Event.
May God’s Richest Blessings Be Yours,
Mark Tross
, PATH & COG-NM/El Paso, TX