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‘Nut Case’ Republican candidate for Florida House is booted from Twitter after post about shooting federal agents

All this is not of JESUS! I pray this awful Satanic call for violence STOP!!!!!! I DO NOT CARE WHAT SIDE OF STINKING POLITICS YOU ARE ON!!! THIS IS AWFUL!!! Was not Jan. 6th enough for you?????? To even think that this guy has GOP support!!!!????!!!! President Abe Lincoln and President Ronal Reagan would not know this GOP party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is a party that has many evil people in it. I guess the GOP has not learned their lesson. The DEMS are lost in space, I have said for years America needs a third party that puts ‘JESUS at the center.’

I hear it time and time again so many folks have had it with the GOP and DEMS. JESUS is not in their stinking messes! Both sides have so much mud on their faces from all the mud slinging!!!

A Republican candidate seeking a House seat in the Florida Legislature had his Twitter account yanked this week after a post about violence against federal agents.

Luis Miguel, who’s running in Florida’s House District 20, said on Twitter that under his plan, federal agents could be shot on sight in the state. He told the website Florida Politics that Twitter had notified him that his account had been permanently suspended, which he later confirmed to NBC News on Friday.

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