And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. John 14:13-14
Prayer always proceeds great movements, days, and seasons of prayer. Almost three months ago on May 5th, Americans everywhere paused to intercede for Our nation and to “exalt the Lord Who Has Established Us” (Colossians 2:6-7).
We must remember that God will respond in His timing. Our prayers for America and America’s leaders will not go unanswered. Like the disciples who waited for the promise of Christ to be fulfilled on Pentecost, we must be patient and remain mobilized and confident that God will show us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3)!
Scripture is full of examples of God responding to the resilient cries of His people—sending breakthrough, salvation, boldness, refreshing, and His glory.
When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it. 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
As I reflect upon the prayers that were lifted during the 71st National Day of Prayer gatherings hosted in various locations in Washington, D.C. I would like to share three testimonies of answered prayers. It is my intent that you will be encouraged to remain resilient, vigilant, and steadfast in faith even through the most challenging of times.
Chief Kelvin Cochran, senior fellow and Vice President of the Alliance Defending Freedom, shared his story of indomitable faith. There will always be consequences for standing for righteousness. We can lose finances, friends, and our careers. One thing for sure, as we pray and wait in faith, God can restore double our losses! Chief Cochran inspired us to face the fire with grace and confidence.
The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, was the speaker for the Inaugural Africa Lecture at The Museum of the Bible hosted on the National Day of Prayer. President Akufo-Addo shared that the Bible and prayer are the focal part of His family. Many in his nation did not believe in him to become president, but he knew the battle belonged to the Lord. He prayed Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Lastly, Pastor Allen Jackson of Allen Jackson Ministries, reminded us of the importance of aligning our life with the heart of God. We must never lose our compassion for the pain and struggles of others. May we desire to pray the heart of God concerning our nation in the darkest of times!
As the summer comes to a close, join our NDP Task Force team in reflecting on the ways we can exalt God for His goodness, answered prayers, and increased wisdom since the National Day of Prayer.
It is time to pray!
And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. Isaiah 12:4
Father, we praise and exalt your Holy Name. You are a faithful, great, and mighty God. As we go into the world today as Your representative, give us perseverance, endurance, and increased boldness to speak the name of Jesus. May our life reflect Your grace and goodness, to Your praise and glory. Help us to be compassionate concerning the struggles of others and concerned in our petitions. Help us to grow deeper in prayer than we have ever grown before! In Jesus Holy Name I pray. AMEN!
With Great Expectation,

Gwen Bradley
National Liaison For Prayer Mobilization and Partnerships and Southeast Region National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force
The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.