I get very sad when I go to a Church and there is hardly any children present. The feeder system for God and the Church is lacking in many Churches. Some do not even have a Children’s Sunday School program. Many Pastors and congregations need to seek Jesus on this issue, it is hurting the Church in a big way. How do these folks except the Kingdom of God to grow? If your Church is not helping raise up children, your Church does not have much of a future. Please get out in the streets of your community and carry out The Great Commission, I will preach this until the Lord calls me home! Please get out of your comfort zone! HIT THE STREETS! REVIVAL IS NEEDED IN SO MANY CHURCHES AND COMMUNITIES ACROSS AMERICA!!!Christianity quickly diminishing in America. If you would like help on this, please contact me through our website. I am so very puzzled by the lack of action by many Pastors.
How many Children do you have in your Church?
How is your Sunday School for children being attended?
How many baptisims has your Church had in the last year?
Is your Church growing?
From The Christian Post:
Churches that don’t invest more in discipleship-oriented children’s ministries will be “standing on a burning platform,” warned Matt Markins, head of the child discipleship organization Awana.
For most people, their worldview formation is “largely fixed” by age 13, according to findings conducted by the research organization Barna Group. That’s why Markins believes strongly that worldview formation is not “a youth group conversation” for when youth are in high school, but rather “this is a child formation conversation” and a “canary in the coal mine.”
“The Church looks to the canary in the coal mine as the high school dropout rate [when] students walk away from the Church after high school. But the purpose of the canary in the coal mine isn’t the moment the canary falls over, it’s what deadly gas led to that and where did it come from?” Markins told CP ahead of Awana’s Child Discipleship Forum held from Sept. 22-23 in Nashville, Tennessee.
More Here
From Yesterday:

I got a note from Pastor Kyle Martin, pictured at the bottom of this post, from Time to Revive in Dallas, Texas. I want to share it with you as I cannot go because of prior commitments. Do you remember when Time to Revive came to Santa Fe, New Mexico? I sure do! It was the first ‘event’ in the brand new Santa Fe Convention Center. I remember how powerful the revival was! Such an awesome movement of God. During this time evil legislation was being discussed in the legislature. It was defeated! People came from all over New Mexico to this revival. This was at a time when I was manager of KKIM Christian radio and God showed me to broadcast the press conference live on the air! Kyle and the team where getting heavily criticized and he called a press conference to clear the air! The media came loaded for bear, but you could have heard a pin drop, as all was done in the love of Jesus by Kyle and team. New Mexico has not seen such a revival since! I got Kyle started on a radio program that aired on many stations in America, including KKIM and it won an award from the National Religious Broadcasters Association as the best new radio ministry program. I then became a board member with Time to Revive and traveled with them a bit. I traveled to Ashville, N.C. and broadcasted live from there on KKIM and also hit the streets with the rest of the team! This is where two witches ran in and ran to the staging area and tipped over our speakers and ran away.
Ashville Witches
Much was prophesied over me in Ashville, and I can tell you that it ALL has come upon me and Sharon. ALL not some! I have learned so much from God and Kyle Martin, I always have called him a young Billy Graham. New Mexico has not had a true revival since he and his team came here in 2008. I know what revival is! God has shown me. Several years ago Kyle and team did a revival in Elkhart/Goshen, Indiana area and factories shut down so that the workers could go to the revival!!!! If I remember correctly, the revival went on for a week and more! I am very frustrated with some pastors here in New Mexico that when I talk to them about true revival, they turn away. It just happened to me last week. Nothing is going to change in New Mexico and America without true revival. HIT THE STREETS! FGGAM Great Commission Trip to Wyoming! Part of true revival is walking the streets and reaching the lost! Go where people are at! Many will not step into your church. I still think of the witches tipping over the speakers! From John Wesley Quotes:
Luke 10:17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
Dear pilgrims, As we go out to fulfil the great commission, we shall be carriers of signs and wonders.
Please pray about going to Sioux City Iowa with Time to Revive! This is the note I got from Kyle:
Good morning Dewey!
Hope all is well brother. It’s been awhile. Would you please prayerfully consider coming to Sioux City, Iowa with our Time to Revive team for our outreach week with reviveSIOUXLAND?
As you are aware, we call it Harvest Week, and it will take place Monday, October 10 thru Sunday, October 16. It would be an honor if you could come for a couple of days or even the whole week. Whatever would work best for your schedule…
We are praying for 1,500 laborers and are trusting the Lord to send forth the laborers into the harvest (Luke 10:2). This community is ripe for the Gospel!! Plus the doors are opening up….the mayor is on fire for the Lord, fire departments have scheduled for us to come, local businesses, etc…
If you are able to come to the heart of the nation (South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska), it would be helpful if you could please register at
If you aren’t driving, you could fly into Omaha, Nebraska (OMA), rent a car and drive 1 1/2 hours to Sioux City.
Also, our Time to Revive team would be delighted to have you and the other volunteers stay at the newly remodeled retreat center called the Salvation Army Western Plains Camp. It is in South Sioux City. We ask for a suggested contribution of $100 (but if you aren’t able to do that – we can help with a scholarship).
Please pray about joining us and hitting the streets to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Sioux City. Thanks Dewey!
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –