Good Intentions


Our lives are filled with responsibilities, things we need to do in order to survive another day.  If the dishes are left unwashed, soon the sink is full.  If paperwork is left undone, catching up takes forever, If the mail isn’t checked, the mailbox fills up.  These are small, unimportant examples of what? Laziness…or is it just lack of time?  Not enough hours in a day to get everything done?  We feel at times like doing all the things that have to be done leaves us no time for doing the things we enjoy… so something has to be put off.  Sometimes, those things we put off, are the ones we should have made priorities.

We see a hole in the fence, and tell ourselves we must mend it as soon as we find the time.  Then one day, the dog gets out and we have to spend hours searching to bring him home.  We see the need for a stop sign at a busy intersection.  We think we should call the city about it… when we have time…then an accident happens and people are injured.  We hear about a crazy new ordinance the city wants to pass that we feel would only cause more problems, but we do nothing about it…so the ordinance is passed.  Our kids tell us about fights and bullying going on at school, but we tell them to just stay out of the way and deal with it…till they come home in tears, refusing to return.

Too many times, we put things off only to find that time has run out and nothing can be done. To mend the fence, or call the city, or visit the school…whatever our good intentions were.  It is too late.  I remember the very first Sunday School class I attended shortly after I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  The teacher said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  How true that statement is.  We can pray about a bad situation and hope someone else will fix it, but somehow we must make the time to do our part in finding and enacting a solution.

As Christians, our first responsibility is to share the good news of Jesus with others.  For years, we have sat back and complained as prayers were removed from schools, the Ten Commandments removed from public display, statues and historical objects destroyed…and people lost in sin.  Our own country is in need of salvation and the knowledge of Christ more than anything else.  Good intentions will not solve this problem.  The need for revival is great, and only God’s people can make it happen.

When Jesus started His ministry at the age of thirty, the people were worshiping pagan gods.  The government was trying to control every one and every thing.  The religious leaders were spreading false teachings and the only voice, crying in the wilderness, telling the good news of Jesus, was John the Baptist.  People were then, and are now, hungry for hope, in need of forgiveness, and reaching for answers.

Let’s give them the answers they need, by working together as the body of Christ, and bring revival to our country…one church at a time, one city at at a time, one state at a time, until the whole United States is covered with the gospel and every person is offered the chance to put their faith in Jesus and know the hope of eternal life. Let us not only intend to see this happen, but together, let’s see it does happen. 2Corinthians 6: 2 …behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

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Betty Fritz
My name is Betty Fritz. I was born and raised in Texas but have resided in Elkhart, Indiana for the last 25 years. My husband is a Hoosier so that’s how we wound up here. We have two daughters and a son plus 6 grand kids…..3 boys and 3 girls. I retired last year after working for 24 years at Elkhart Child Development Center. I’ve been writing since a teenager and have taken several writing courses. I enjoy writing short stories. I wrote a book of poems, RHYMES OF THE TIMES, which was published a few years ago. I have written countless songs, a few for which demo recordings have been made. Recently I’ve been writing blogs..most of them about my faith and things the Lord has taught me in my Christian life over the last 51 years. My inspiration comes from my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my desire to see that my grandchildren grow up in a Christian nation. My goal is to bring glory to Him and help others to see that there is POWER in the name of JESUS!

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