Promise Keepers events you won’t want to miss

Photo from the Promise Keepers 2021 Men’s Conference in Dallas, Texas.

Promise Keepers is back, and we’re excited to offer new ways to help men live lives of integrity, courage, and faith. 

We’re bringing together churches and men’s groups from around the country for special one-hour online events, which are followed by 21-day challenges for small group studies focused on the event topics.

We’ve hosted events on fatherhood, marriage, and sexual purity, and now we’re happy to tell you about two new events you won’t want to miss. It’s quick, easy, and free to sign up for both, and after you do, don’t forget to forward this email to your church and encourage them to host an event for the men in their community.

25th Anniversary of Stand in the Gap

First, on October 4th, we’re launching the world premiere of the Stand in the Gap documentary.

On October 4, 1997, hundreds of thousands of men–some say as many as three million–descended on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray for their nation.

Our nation needs prayer now more than ever, and our new documentary will honor the 25th anniversary of that world-changing event and encourage the next generation of Promise Keeping men to Stand in the Gap.

The premiere will air at 8:00pm ET on October 4th, and we hope to see you and your men’s group there!

Click here to sign up. 


Carried: Real Support for Mental Health

As men, it can be tough to ask for help from our brothers. But there’s no shame in it. Everyone needs a hand, especially in the hard times, and we’re called as Christians to carry one another through.

That’s what our new online mental health summit – “Carried” – is all about. We’re coming together as brothers in Christ to carry one another’s burdens and provide real, no-nonsense support for mental health issues.

We’ll kick things off with a free, one-hour event on October 25th at 8pm ET. You’ll hear from top mental health experts about how common it is for men to struggle with trauma, depression, and anxiety – and what you can do to get on the road to renewal.

Then, continue your journey alongside other men nationwide by logging on to the PK App and joining us for a 3-week challenge. You’ll have access to practical mental health advice and daily devotionals, which are perfect for any men’s small group or Bible study.

Click here to sign up.


You don’t have to walk your Christian life alone. Promise Keepers offers tools and resources for individuals, churches and men’s groups to serve the men in their communities with the encouragement and advice they need to live lives of integrity.

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your crew and join us for Stand in the Gap and Carried—and see what God can do when Christian men rise up, join together, and commit to serving their communities, churches, and families.


Founded in 1990 by Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers is one of the most significant movements of God in the history of the church. In 1997 alone, Promise Keepers packed 22 NFL stadiums and gathered 1 million men for Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men at the National Mall in the District of Columbia. The organization’s mission is to empower men to live out their God-given identity and purpose today and destiny tomorrow by serving their homes, workplaces and communities with integrity and influence.

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