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2022 sets records for number of border crossings, migrant death, Plus the history of immigration policy in the United States

I can hear my World War II U.S. Marine SGT, my Daddy, Wally Moede saying, “You all are at fault.” Let us get serious here! Both the DEMS and GOP have kicked this can down the road for years! Both parties have failed. Why did we not follow the laws already on the books? Politics makes a mess of most things. I tell you this, JESUS! is not happy the way we are handling this situation. America has created an ugly situation for all of God’s people. A deep price is paid when the laws on the books are not enforced, creating chaos. We are a lawless society. Anytime I start hearing a politician start talking about immigration, I want to vomit.

From the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.[2] 

History of immigration policy in the United States

From The Christian Post:

Fiscal year 2022 saw a record number of migrant crossings and deaths as illegal immigration remains a significant issue for voters heading into the midterm elections.

Statistics compiled by the United States Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) revealed 2,378,944 encounters between illegal immigrants and law enforcement officials at the U.S. border with Mexico in fiscal year 2022, which concluded Sept. 30. The number of encounters increased dramatically from fiscal year 2021, which recorded 1,734,686 border crossings. More Here

Thank you FAITHWIRE and Billy Hallowell for this message!!!

Singer Danny Gokey took to Instagram this week to warn Christians about the dangers of drifting away from biblical truth and embracing culture’s counterfeit lies.

“I believe the most dangerous thing that can happen to a believer is very subtle, and sometimes you don’t even catch it,” Gokey said. “What am I talking about? ‘The drift.’”

The singer then proceeded to give an analogy to better illustrate this move away from eternal truth.

Danny Gokey Breaks Down Hebrews 2 and the ‘Most Dangerous Thing’ Christians Now Face


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