Iranian Troops Join Russia in The War Against Ukraine, Who Will Stop Putin, Iran and China?


Nobody is willing to stop Putin. Biden is throwing Billions of Dollars into Ukraine, but he is not facing the real problem! PUTIN! Biden is no match for Putin. Biden has not even tried hard to start peace talks. With Iran now fighting with Russia, the war thickens with more blood. They are not afraid of America or NATO. As Dr. Ryan Denison has started this week here at FGGAM, we are closer to WWIII than ever. It is just a matter of time before China makes a move against Taiwan. I hate this so very, very much, but sometimes you have to go to war, just throwing money to defeat evil seldom works. Has it ever? I know I am unpopular, but I now have issued my warning. I am praying for the people of Russia, that Putin can be removed. Putin is completely controlled by Satan as the leadership in Iran and China is. I do not know if the American people have the will power to go to war. One more try at peace talks? America has weak leadership, worst ever. The world knows this. There is no line in the sand.

This whole situation has pre-WWII written all over it, the world was so very slow to react to the very, very evil actions of Hitler.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Thursday that Iranian troops are “directly engaged on the ground” in Crimea supporting Russian drone attacks on Ukraine’s power stations and other key infrastructure, claiming it has troubling evidence of Tehran’s deepening role assisting Russia as it exacts suffering on Ukrainian civilians just as the cold weather sets in. More Here

See Ukraine’s website HERE.

Keep Praying For Ukraine By Chuck Akeley


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