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4 Reasons NOT to Give Altar Calls

R Larry Moyer in CHURCHLEADERS brings out many excellent points in his message! I love what Billy Graham said! Amen!

Altar calls, when properly handled, are certainly effective. First of all, they remind the listeners that the gospel demands a response. As Billy Graham said, “You cannot give God a definite maybe. It has to be a definite yes or a definite no.” When altar calls are properly handled, lost people are asked to trust Christ as the only way to heaven. The issue is responding to Christ, not to you. The person, therefore, knows that to trust Him is to receive His free offer of eternal life, and to reject Christ is to reject that free offer.

4 Reasons NOT to Give Altar Calls


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We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
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