Chesapeake Public Schools Approve Use of Public School Building for After School Satan Club


As unbelievable as it may seem, there are several public school systems across the country allowing the use of school buildings for after school “Satan Clubs.”  In the last week, Chesapeake Public Schools (“CPS”) in Virginia authorized use of its B. M. Williams Primary School for exactly this purpose.

The group behind this particular Satan Club is the Satanic Temple, which has on its website many supported positions or beliefs, including abortion and LGBTQ rights, and establishing organized clubs alongside other religious after school clubs “in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations.”  More information about the Satanic Temple can be found HERE.

On December 2, 2022, Chesapeake’s 10 On-Your-Side WAVY reported that the “After School Satan Club” at B. M. Williams Primary School was scheduled to start up on December 15, 2022.  The report included information from the club’s national director, June Everett, who said that the point of the club was to “offer an alternative to Christian-based groups.”  The WAVY 10 report can be read HERE.

On December 5 and 6, 2022, WAVY 10 published follow up reports which included discussion about a request for the school district to notify parents about the club.  The WAVY 10 follow up reports can be read HERE.

Yesterday (December 6, 2022), Fox News interviewed the Founder of Chesapeake Parents for Freedom, Aspen Nolette, who talked about the Satanic Temple’s real intent within the community and how parents were planning to fight against the club at B. M. Williams Primary School.  The Fox News report can be read HERE.

Today (December 7, 2022), a follow up Fox News report revealed that the original applicant to CPS for the club had removed her name from the club’s application; however, within only hours, a new application – also with a proposed December 15, 2022 start date, was submitted by another person.  The follow up Fox News report can be read HERE.

Only a few weeks ago, on November 19, 2022, Fox News reported about a similar after school Satan Club starting up at Golden Hills Elementary School in California – also under the direction of the Satanic Temple.  The photograph at the top of this FGGAM article is of the Satanic Temple’s Spokesperson, Lucien Greaves, from the Fox News report.  The Fox News report can be read HERE.

It seems that many public schools are of the view that if one type of student organization (e.g., Christian or Faith Based) is allowed to use school property for an activity, then there is an automatic obligation under the First Amendment of the US Constitution (as interpreted and subject to court precedent or other laws and policies) to allow all other or opposing types of organizations or activities, no matter how repulsive or spiritually lethal they might be.

Legislating morality is not the answer, as the trouble here is a matter of the HEART.  This would not be an issue if faith in Christ was societally more pervasive right now, as such a club would not likely be proposed, let alone approved.

As those who can stand in the gap, let’s pray for our nation’s schools, staff, parents and especially the students, that they will have eyes to see and ears to hear the will of the LORD!  We need to realize the inherent danger of loosing evil in our schools, after school or not!

Let’s not forget that the scriptures remind us of the following:

Isaiah 5:20-21 [NKJV]

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, [a]nd prudent in their own sight!”

Proverbs 21:2 [NKJV]

“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, [b]ut the Lord weighs the hearts.”

Mark 9:42 [NKJV]

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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