Start Your Day Listening to God: “You’ll find that television and social media and popular culture will ring hollow to you”


Since Facebook has blocked the ministry that God founded nearly 11 years ago, FGGAM, For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, I have sought the LORD as what to do. So this morning this message from Randy Alcorn popped out at me in CHURCHLEADERS! I beleive this is Americas problem! BAD! AWFUL! STINKING SOCIAL MEDIA IS DOING MORE HARM THAN GOOD! If you’re not craving God’s Word, you’ve forgotten what you’re missing—or perhaps you’ve never known. If that’s the case, dive into it. After you’ve spent enough time there, you’ll find that television and social media and popular culture will ring hollow to you. I am so very grateful you are here at FGGAM and not on social media. Time for me to hit the reset button and not focus on the FACEBOOK portion of the ministry GOD has given us. FACEBOOK is driven by the unchurched. Lots to pray about. Sharon is helping me through this MIND FIELD! I call it a MIND FIELD, not a MINE FIELD as Satan is using many weapons to tear down Christians in America, including the minds and souls of many. Sharon will not have anything to do with Facebook. This is just me doing a GOD check up on myself and thinking out loud.

Man of God Randy Alcorn in CHURCHEADERS:

Augustine said, “By hearing Thee I am happy; because of Thy voice I am happy.” There’s no place we can go to hear God speak authoritatively, to hear His voice with complete confidence, other than the Bible itself.

We need to hear from God before we hear from everybody else. That’s a good reason not to start the day by looking at email or text messages, but rather to first look at the messages God has placed in your primary inbox: Scripture.

Start Your Day with Listening to God

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