The Importance of Small-Town Ministry


I love to preach in small towns! Pictured is the First Baptist Church in Quemado, New Mexico. I preached there on and off for about 3 to almost 4 years as they were looking for a full-time pastor. Loved serving there! I was blessed to get a call from Pastor Sheldon Wolf of the First Baptist Church in Reserve yesterday afternoon. Pastor Sheldon asked me to fill in for him on New years Day. I was thrilled to be asked, as I miss all the folks there. This month marks 11 years since I was first called to FBC in Reserve to preach. One of those  year I was going out to Reserve almost every Sunday. I am thankful for the confidence Pastor Sheldon has in me. Pastor Jerry Lucero plans to travel with me that day and that will make the day even more special. In March I will travel to Glenwood, New Mexico to fill in for Pastor Dave Schumm at the First Baptist Church.

From Tim Counts in Outreach Magazine:

When evangelicals think of gospel ministry in New England, they may think of Jonathan Edwards or the Great Awakenings. They may think of the least religious states in the United States. They may think of a region many have labeled “the preacher’s graveyard.” But what may not come to mind is what happened recently: hundreds of pastors and ministry leaders gathering with eager expectation, learning how to better advance gospel work in the small places of New England. More Here

From Thom Rainer of CHURCH ANSWERS:

The news is astounding!

Churches with fewer than 250 in average worship attendance account for 92 percent of all churches in the United States. At Church Answers, we call these congregations “standard churches” because they represent all but 8 percent of churches.

It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to discern what important trends and developments are taking place that have direct bearing on standard churches. Here are five major developments. More Here


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