The Christian Post:

Statistics reveal that abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide for the fourth year in a row, as the number of abortions nearly quadrupled the number of deaths from infectious diseases in 2022.

Worldometer, a database that keeps track of statistics about health, the global population and other metrics in real-time, continuously compiles information about the number of abortions worldwide.

Abortion is leading cause of death worldwide for fourth year in a row

A dark cloud of death covers all of America, the aborting of God’s babies. We are losing the battle against evil. The DEMS and GOP are taking us over the cliff. What will we look like in 3 to 6 months?

CBN REPORTS: The FDA approved the expansion of abortion pill distribution Tuesday, making the pills available by mail and at retail pharmacies. The Archbishop of Baltimore said the decision advances the “tragic taking of unborn lives” but does little to care for the well-being of women in need.

The Christian Post Reports:

Former President Donald Trump has suggested that Republican candidates’ positions on abortion led to the party’s lackluster performance in the midterm elections, drawing strong reactions from leading pro-life activists and figures on both sides of the political aisle.

In a statement on Truth Social Sunday, Trump argued that it wasn’t his fault that “Republicans didn’t live up to expectations” in the 2022 midterm elections. More Here

The Christian Post Reports:

Nearly four in 10 likely voters in the United States say that Democrats or Republicans are the country’s biggest enemy even when compared to foreign powers such as North Korea and Iran.

In a survey of 900 U.S. likely voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports from Dec. 19 to Dec. 21, 39% of participants named one of the country’s political parties as the nation’s greatest threat compared to 25% who named China.

Nearly 40% of voters say Democrats, Republicans are America’s biggest enemy, not China or Russia

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