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More Americans say they want to grow spiritually amid growing openness to other faiths, Fewer than 50% hold church membership

Remember only 6% of Americans have a Biblcial Worldview! Just 37% of pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview! Denominations are fading away as times goes on here in America. Very sad state of affairs!

For The Christian Post:

Despite a growing rejection of organized religion, with fewer than 50% of Americans holding formal church membership, spiritual openness is on the rise, with a majority of U.S. adults saying they believe in God or a higher power and want to grow spiritually, new data from the Barna Group suggests.

The data comes from a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults conducted in October 2022 by the Evangelical polling organization More Here

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –
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