Both parties are train wrecks! America needs a third party, a party that has a Biblical Worldview! The two party system is beyond repair.

The Christian Post Reports:

Nearly four in 10 likely voters in the United States say that Democrats or Republicans are the country’s biggest enemy even when compared to foreign powers such as North Korea and Iran.

In a survey of 900 U.S. likely voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports from Dec. 19 to Dec. 21, 39% of participants named one of the country’s political parties as the nation’s greatest threat compared to 25% who named China.

Nearly 40% of voters say Democrats, Republicans are America’s biggest enemy, not China or Russia

We vet all candidates with the WORD OF GOD! Vetting is the set of processes for assessing the integrity of individuals by the Word of God.
Elections in America have become voting the lesser of two evils. We have fallen away from God. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview, thus chaos.
Sadly, I lost more than a few friends over my stance on Donald Trump. I had warned before he was elected that this was not a man of good Christian character. You can tell by the way he treated women. You cannot say awful things about a women, you cannot use foul language, you must behave yourself, as did Ronald Reagan. All I had to see and hear was how he treated not only women, but men. You see, many people are swayed by words and a Hollywood performance. Trump exhibited way too much foolishness. The America people are settling for ungodly politicians. The downfall of the GOP started with Trump and then exploded into hell with Jan. 6th. I do not know how much Trump had to do with Jan. 6th, but he could have called off the thugs and maybe saved the lives of those Police Officers who were killed. This whole disaster from hell has shown our younger generation that we are all messed up, AND WE ARE MESSED UP! Where are the Christians in D.C.? The GOP needs to think of asking South Dakota Governor Kristie Noem to run for President! The Life of Governor Noem Clean as a whistle! The GOP and DEMS are destroying America. The two party system has gone to hell. Satan has blinded both parties. We need a Biblical third party. America needs a come to JESUS meeting! To top off this failing GOP circus, the big top is falling on them, they got this fool George Santos elected!!!!!!!!!!!! Who in the GOP vetted this guy?
WashingtonCNN — 

Law enforcement officials in Brazil will reinstate fraud charges against Rep.-elect George Santos, pictured above, the Rio de Janeiro prosecutor’s office tells CNN, as the New York Republican officially assumes his role in the US House Tuesday under a cloud of suspicion over his dubious resume.

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The GOP has turned into a failing circus! The BIG TOP is falling!

Don’t forget the GOP has another fool in Washington! Brazilian authorities intend to revive fraud case against George Santos Where does the GOP find such crazy people! They could fill a nut house. Where does the GOP find such crazy people! I cannot keep up with all these nut cases! Ronald Reagan has got to be rolling over in his grave! The GOP is no longer the party of Reagan, it is the party of Bozo the clown!

THE HILL REPORTS: Dramatic, chaotic events in the House transfixed the political world Tuesday, as Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) failed to secure the role of Speaker over three rounds of voting.

The House adjourned, without a Speaker, in late afternoon. Nothing else of consequence can be done until someone wins the gavel.

In the immediate aftermath of the midterm elections, McCarthy was seen as a strong favorite to become Speaker despite a slim GOP majority. Instead, opposition to McCarthy seemed to harden as the weeks went by.

Read the full story here.

The Christian Post Reports:

Former President Donald Trump has suggested that Republican candidates’ positions on abortion led to the party’s lackluster performance in the midterm elections, drawing strong reactions from leading pro-life activists and figures on both sides of the political aisle.

In a statement on Truth Social Sunday, Trump argued that it wasn’t his fault that “Republicans didn’t live up to expectations” in the 2022 midterm elections. More Here

A dark cloud of death covers all of America, the aborting of God’s babies. We are losing the battle against evil. The DEMS and GOP are taking us over the cliff. What will we look like in 3 to 6 months?

The FDA approved the expansion of abortion pill distribution Tuesday, making the pills available by mail and at retail pharmacies. The Archbishop of Baltimore said the decision advances the “tragic taking of unborn lives” but does little to care for the well-being of women in need.


We vet all candidates with the WORD OF GOD!


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