OH LORD! Have Mercy! 10 people killed in mass shooting near Los Angeles after Lunar New Year celebrations

Prayers to Pray from Head to Toe
Prayers to Pray From Head to Toe

OH AMERICA! You are so very sick…….America needs God, only 6% of Americas have a Biblical Worldview. Your destruction is playing out right before your eyes. What is The Lord’s Mercy?

From AOL AND NBC: Ten people were killed and at least 10 more injured in a mass shooting in Monterey Park, Calif., late Saturday, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.

“Investigators are working every lead on this case,” Capt. Andrew Meyer from the Los Angeles Sheriff Department’s Homicide division told a news conference early Sunday, adding that they were reviewing CCTV footage from near the scene.

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What Happens when a nation, like America, turns away from God?

From ‘Got Questions’

Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” The psalmist is speaking of the nation of Israel. God chose Israel as the nation through which He would bring His promised Messiah (Deuteronomy 18:15Malachi 4:5–6Isaiah 7:14–16). He promised to provide, bless, and protect the Israelites if they followed Him. But the Old Testament gives us heartbreaking details of what happened when they turned away from Him (Ezekiel 520:8Isaiah 1). Israel’s history shows us some of the consequences that can befall a nation when its people turn away from God. More Here

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