WOW! WEE! 108-year-old man is oldest firefighter at New Jersey volunteer fire department


A timely story for such a time as this……

This is a heart warming story for us all, especially if you were or are are a fireman or had a family member serve! I was blessed to serve in the Osceola, Indiana Fire Dept, in the mid 80’s, My Dad, Wally and Grandpa Chris served at the Windom, Minnesota Fire Dept.


LITTLE FALLS, N.J. — Though hardly official, Vincent Dransfield proudly claims he’s the nation’s oldest active firefighter.

The township resident could be right. He’s been keeping a close watch on the competition. “This guy in Arkansas had me by three years, but he died two years ago,” said Dransfield.

LITTLE FALLS, NJ (PIX11) – Vincent Dransfield lives life on his own terms, and that’s not something many 108-year-olds can say. He leased a car two years ago and is still driving — in more ways than one.

“I’m still driving everybody crazy,” Dransfield joked. When asked what type of car he drives, he responded by saying “four wheels.”

He’s still sharp and quick-witted.

108-year-old man is oldest firefighter at New Jersey volunteer fire department

When God Made Firefighters

You Gotta watch this! Reminds me of when my Daddy served! I almost went into the basement during a house fire in Osceola! I was lead man on the hose going into the house, I got in and it was just a few seconds and the floor gave way, the basement was full of water, I started to fall in, but my buddy Scott Eash had my back! Scottie help me up and got me out of the house!


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