The pictures speak for themselves………
Ugly Preaching Can Be Powerful:
Ugly preaching is a dance before the Father. He is the audience—not the people who are listening. We preach to please only him and refuse to fall into the trap of the fear of man or the bondage of trying to be a people-pleaser.
Ugly preaching must be authentic, real, raw humanity. Expose your scars, weaknesses and failures. Ministry in the kingdom flows out of the grace we have discovered through our weaknesses—we are what Henri Nouwen calls “wounded healers.”
From Sermon Central:
Author Jamie Stilson’s book, The Power of Ugly, is all about the grace of God. That is: out of the ugliness of our lives, God’s grace produces something beautiful. In his chapter entitled “Ugly Preaching,” he invites preachers to keep things real and focus on Jesus:
Can someone preach without proper training? In the seventeenth century, the “Pharisees” of the day would put preachers who didn’t have the proper credentials in jail just to keep them quiet. One of the guys that they did this to, John Bunyan, wrote a book called The Pilgrim’s Progress while he was imprisoned! More Here
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.