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What’s In The River Of Revival? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…

What’s In The River Of Revival?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. In January, I really felt the word that God gave me was overflow. In February I felt the words God gave me was revival and suddenly. Somehow this morning I sense as we prepare for March, the wind will bring much change. Change, change, change. I ponder this morning what that change may look like in our lives, our communities, our world.

We know from the book of Ecclesiastes that to everything there is a season. Are you ready to embrace change? Has your suddenly come and you are ready for the next step? Can you go with God’s flow and embrace the change? Change it is then beautiful people, change it is.

Let’s Pray:

Father, Ashes No More… Jesus, Lover of our soul, creator of our image, Lifter of our head. My name is beautiful, woman, pure, holy, undefiled, sanctified, set apart, journeying with Jesus. A path narrow and straight, ashes no more. Trusting her master-her maker, the lover of our soul. Skipping on the journey with childlike faith, believing our Father knows what’s best. The morning dew, the night’s crisp air, reminds us of the kisses from above. Jesus, the ultimate man, The lover of her soul. Beautiful, a receiver of his glory, ashes no more. 

Father, thank you for your mercy and grace over our lives. Father, you have come to set the captives free. Thank you for the healing power of Jesus Christ. Thank you that healing is in the river of revival. Thank you that the healing waters are overflowing, washing over us, high tide.

Father, everything we need is in the river. May the river of revival continue to flow as you pour out your spirit. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Join in the river of revival and let him wash over you.

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7



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