When God Speaks. Pin It, Pen It And Remember… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


When God Speaks. Pin It, Pen It And Remember…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I sit and ponder this morning my day called yesterday. I had a lot of at home items to complete but had not seen my sisters since Christmas. I wanted to carve out some time to visit and by 6:00 PM I finally was ready to go.

One sister, God wakes her up and tells her things. One night he had awakened her to say to support Angel’s Believe Ministries and she has been a faithful supporter ever since. Recently, he woke her up and said your chains are gone. 

When I was celebrating a birthday with my other sister a few months ago, (she now resides in heaven) we looked for a pin for my long black winter coat. She was the sister that gave me my first one-hundred-dollar bill. It was for my high school graduation, the one-hundred-dollar bill that seemed like a million to this girl. As we shopped, I remembered I was given two pins that belonged to my mother. They were not expensive pins, as we were from a poor family. I gave them to my other sister for safe keeping, the sister that God speaks to in the night. I had phoned her for the pins when I remembered and last evening in a small satin box that on the outside read Merry Christmas and a postage stamp with a heart, the two pins were returned. They are over fifty years old, and they are not tarnished, the gold still sparkles. She pinned one with the rose on my coat and then I remembered…

God spoke to me many years ago and I wrote it down. People will ask you the question, how did you ever do that or how did you ever get there? You will reply, It’s Jesus. I will make you a worldwide author, speaker and a conference team leader in a land that barely knows me. People will be amazed, with parents from the Allagash.

Whenever God speaks beautiful people, pin it, pen it and always remember. He keeps every promise, and he loves to do great things through ordinary people.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for journeying life with us. You are the best Father, and we love how you speak to us.

Father, we love the plans you have for your people. The one that was founded before the foundations of the world. We were on your mind before the beginning of time. I remember you telling me that one day in prayer, when I questioned if I was wanted.

Father, may today everyone believe they are wanted, because every life is. You have a plan for every life and it’s a good one. Amen.

Beautiful people write this down or pin it and always remember. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16)






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