Attention Servant Leaders & Intercessors of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Beyond

You are cordially invited to an in-person Four Corners AWAKE! Prayer @ the Four Corners Monument, Wednesday, April 19, 2 pm, for the purpose of declaring the Four States, America & the nations belonging to JESUS as well as requesting the King of Glory to release His spiritual awakening towards Great Harvest everywhere (Psalm 24, Acts 1:8, John 4:35).

Attention Servant Leaders & Intercessors of
New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Beyond
Invitations to 4/19 Four Corners AWAKE!,
4/20 Navajo & First Nations AWAKE! and More
Please read this important email & respond today.
Dear Fellow Servant Leaders & Intercessors,
In the fall of 2020, we were gearing up for the Four Corners TOGETHER Prayer gathering at the Four Corners Monument to intercede for the Four Corners States of NM, AZ, UT, CO as well as revival across our nation & beyond.  However, when we learned that the Four Corners Monument was closed due to COVID restrictions, we convened via Zoom instead.
You are cordially invited to an in-person Four Corners AWAKE! Prayer @ the Four Corners Monument, Wednesday, April 19, 2 pm, for the purpose of declaring the Four States, America & the nations belonging to JESUS as well as requesting the King of Glory to release His spiritual awakening towards Great Harvest everywhere (Psalm 24, Acts 1:8, John 4:35).
In addition to Four Corners AWAKE!, you are invited to Navajo & First Nations AWAKE! Gathering, Thursday, April 20, 6:30 pm, Gallup, NM, for corporate worship, united prayer & inspiration towards Transforming Revival among the Navajo, First Nations, across America & Global Harvest with JESUS at the Center.
You are also encouraged to participate in New Mexico AWAKE! Gathering, Saturday, April 22, 9 am-9 pm, Albuquerque, NM.
Would you prayerfully consider these invitations & respond right away?  You are welcome to share this with those who are seeking spiritual awakening as well as passionate about local, national & global harvest for such a time as this.  For questions or comments, please email me at  Thank you!
Together in CHRIST,
Dai Sup

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