Here at FGGAM we do our best with the help of many friends to keep you informed of issues that affect you and your family from a Biblcial Worldview. We are not perfect, but we do are very best, starting out at 3am most everyday. Issues that affect your Christian values, your church, your children, your pocket book, your city and schools your well-being, like health care, public safety, legislation that goes against Christian values, and on and on we go. We do our vert best top be a voice for GOD’S PEOPLE!
This morning I want to share with you a very important news release from our friends at the New Mexico State Capital. It deals with medical care in New Mexico. We have a horrible shortage of doctors and nurses. Some folks tell me that they have to wait weeks to see a doctor. Now, the DEMS are making matters worse here by selling out to BIG MONEY! I worked in news a bid part of my 42 years in radio, and in situations like this, WE FOLLOWED THE MONEY! Take note that when Governor Lujan Grisham needed surgery, she went to Washington D.C. for it.
Democrats Stall Doctor Retention Bill, Senate Republican Leader Responds
SANTA FE – Today, Democrats on the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation Committee tabled Senate Bill 296, sponsored by Senator Mark Moores (R-Albuquerque) and Senator Martin Hickey (D-Albuquerque), on a 5-4 vote. The bill would have maintained the medical malpractice caps for independent providers and outpatient facilities at an insurable amount. As it stands, many doctors and practices who cannot get sufficient insurance will be forced to close their doors in 2024. The bill sponsors introduced a committee substitute to pause the implementation of the higher limit caps for two more years while negotiations could continue, but the substitute was also rejected.
Senate Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (R-Belen), issued the following statement regarding the tabling of the bill:
“It is clear that some politicians are so beholden to their special interest donors that they are willing to chase our doctors out of New Mexico. While the Governor can afford to fly to Washington D.C. for care, New Mexicans are suffering from untreated illness due to lack of access to diagnostic and preventative medicine. This will only get worse and the unwillingness of the Governor and Democratic leaders to advance a fix to this looming healthcare crisis is completely unacceptable. The fault lies squarely at their feet.”
New York Mayor Eric Adams: “I can’t separate my belief because I’m an elected official, when I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them.”
WOW WEE! PTL for Mayor Eric Adams! I pray he comes to New Mexico and cleans house! TAKE THE HEAT FOR JESUS!!! STAND UP CHRISTIANS AND PROCLAIM JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! I pray I hear such words that the Mayor of New York City spoke at the state Capital of New Mexico soon, and at City Hall in Albuquerque. Right now we here in New Mexico are ruled by ungodly people.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH Billy Hallowell from FATHWIRE for this story!
Atheist activists are blasting New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) after the Democrat took aim at the separation of church and state and seemingly blamed the absence of school prayer for violence.
Adams, who made his controversial statements during an address before an interfaith prayer breakfast Tuesday, left atheists aghast when he also said the “mayor of New York is a servant of God.” More Here