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NM Mexico Legislative Session Round-Up: “Worst run session I have ever seen” Former Lt. Governor of New Mexico Walter Bradley

I  think this quote shared by KOB TV from Governor Lujan Grisham is all messed up! “I do think, frankly, that New Mexico is leading the country in finding ways to come together, in the willingness that if we can’t find the solution, we’ll come at it again,” said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. The governor states many times that New Mexico is leading the country in so many areas! Needless to says, she is out of touch for sure. New Mexico is last or nearly last in anything good. Oh My! I just shake my head and say, Lord, why do the people of New Mexico elect anti-God politicians?

Yes, the DEMS did work with the GOP on the malpractice bill…….but really working together? Really the governor, its more like “it’s my way or the highway.”

The governor got her $10 million dollar baby killing factory in Las Cruces. All sorts of anti-God legislation got passed. Makes me jus sick thinking about it. Why do the people of New Mexico continue to vote in anti-God politicians?

“This legislative session has been one of the most destructive to life family faith and our Constitution.” Ethel Maharg, Director of New Mexico Right to Life.

“Worst run session I have ever seen.” Former Lt. Governor of New Mexico, Walter Bradley.

Governor of New Mexico Has Her Way: Legislature passes bill to safeguard abortion providers, What about God’s babies?

ABQ Journal: What passed and what failed: New Mexico’s 2023 legislative session round-up

KOB TV Roundup

KOAT TV: Tax package heads to Governor’s desk

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