From Michael Gehrling in CHURCHLEADERS:
This is a Palm Sunday poem that I wrote and preached as the Palm/Passion Sunday sermon. A number of people have requested copies of it, so I’m making it available here: use this Palm Sunday poem as you wish.
What Kind of King? A Powerful Palm Sunday Poem
From Michael Gehrling: I am a church-planter/pastor and campus minister living in Pittsburgh. I graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with my MDiv in 2008, and prior to that received my BA in Christian Though, with a minor in Theatre, from Grove City College. Currently, I’m living in the neighborhood of Squirrel Hill in the city of Pittsburgh and working to plant The Upper Room, a new church that is cross-cultural, sacramental, and missional. I’m also working for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as a campus minister in their Graduate Student and Faculty Ministry at Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh.