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Avail Much!


“…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16b

From Our Freind Kathy Branzell of National Day of Prayer! Thank you Sister!

We are just one week away from the National Day of Prayer! These are exciting days as our prayer coordinators all across America are praying, planning, and preparing for the tens-of- thousands of prayer gatherings that will take place on May 4th from coast to coast. Please pray for the National Day of Prayer Task Force throughout this week and then join us in prayer on May 4th, first at your local community prayer gathering and then with the world at 8:00 p.m. ET for our National Day of Prayer 2023 National Prayer Gathering that will be televised on most of your favorite Christian television networks and streamed on our website, social media sites, and on dozens of streaming apps and sites.

Over the past few weeks, we have been taking a closer look at our 2023 NDP theme verse found at the end of James 5:16. We have discussed what fervent prayer is and is not, and the definition of righteousness as the right standing before God given as a gift through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We now turn our attention to the promise God gives us concerning what happens when we pray in the fervency and righteousness of our hearts. God promises that our prayers “avail much.” What is “much,” and how do you measure “much?”

Well, to give you God’s perspective; this word in the original New Testament language is “Polus” and it is also the same exact word used to describe God’s mercy in 1 Peter 1:3, Jesus’ glory in Matthew 24:30, and our reward in Heaven in Matthew 5:12. I think you would agree that “much” is much, much more than you might have first thought.

Our prayers invite God to bring His goodness and glory into our circumstances, relationships, communities, concerns, crises, and country. He avails His answers when we humble ourselves in the acknowledgement that we need Him and He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we could ever ask, imagine, or accomplish in our own understanding and strength. As we pour out our hearts in sincere, faith-filled prayer in the right and righteous condition of Christ’s authority and affection in our hearts, we watch with great anticipation for the MUCH of God to prevail.

So, what much-availing, history-making, heart-drawing, stronghold-destroying, soul-saving, state-shifting, Country-changing, God-glorifying prayers will you be praying on The National Day of Prayer? We encourage you to ponder this over the next week, but let’s get started today!

Will you please pray with me now?

Lord Jesus, we need You. I need You. I am nothing without you but with God nothing is impossible and so we pour our hearts out to You now for our neighbors and nation, for Your Kingdom come and Your will be done –not any personal agendas or the enemy’s schemes but Your great will, Your divine design and destiny for America and every person who calls her their home. Tear down the strongholds that have disguised themselves as comfort or even compassion and pull back the scales from our eyes and the darkness of our hearts to see You as the One and Only Way, Truth, and the Life. Draw every voice to cry out that “Jesus is Lord!” Soften hard hearts and hard heads to hear and receive Your word and love. Bring Your people, Your Church, back to Your Word and to live out Your ways unashamedly without compromise, no pride that thinks we know better than the One who created the universe. Humble us to remember that we ought to obey and fear God over the pressure and popularity of culture and man. Open our ears to realize and confess to You when we have called good evil and evil good. We confess our sin to You and fully receive Your forgiveness so that we can come to You on this first Thursday in May and every day, to “Pray fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much!” In the powerful, loving, sovereign and supreme name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

Serving Him with Gladness,
Kathy Branzell


2023 NDP National Prayer Gathering Broadcast

Join us in prayer on the National Day of Prayer through livestream, television, and radio! CLICK HERE to learn more.

2023 State and Territory Prayer Guide – Download Now!

CLICK HERE to download a prayer guide covering all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands! Join NDPTF leaders from all over the nation in praying a scripture over their area of influence.



CLICK HERE to download your copy of the 2023 National Day of Prayer theme art!



About the National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.


National Day of Prayer Task Force

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