Man does this PREACH! Sam Luce of CHURCHLEADERS preaches it well! I love this quote from Mr. Luce, “When I was a kid, most kids wanted to be the president, a businessman, a policeman, or a teacher.” I would add that a lot of kids I grew up with wanted to be a fireman! I became a Volunteer Firefighter! Then God made me a preacher! How do kids make a living being a YouTuber? Blows my mind that many are doing that! I really admire the preachers in rural America! Most do not seek fame, they seek to please God. I have preached to three to five people at times in rural New Mexico. Many of my Pastor friends in rural New Mexico do not us social media.


We live in a culture that is defined by fame. A culture that is saturated by fame. A culture that sees its worth based not on financial security or social standing like previous generations had. Our cultural moment sees the acquisition of fame as the greatest good, we measure our value by followers, fans, and likes. If you ask most kids what they want to be when they get older they usually say a YouTuber. That is not what kids said when I was young. When I was a kid, most kids wanted to be the president, a businessman, a policeman, or a teacher. More Here

‘Got Questions’ states: In Ephesians 4:11, Paul identifies shepherding “pastors” as one function in the Church along with teaching, missionary work, evangelism, and prophecy. That this role is important is seen by the emphasis that Jesus puts on it in John 21:15–17 where Jesus charges Peter to feed and tend His sheep. How is a pastor/shepherd supposed to feed and tend the flock of God? He does this by being able to teach the flock the Word of God (1 Timothy 3:2Titus 1:9) to bring the flock into maturity, and to be resistant to heresy. He is on guard for false teachers and warns those who stray that there are consequences to their belief and behavior. More Here

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