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Reading the entire Bible in a year is like seeing Europe in a week: You will notice a lot of things you don’t see from ground level, but it’s no way to get to know a country

Pastor Dewey: I love this message by Joe McKeever in Outreach Magazine! I hardly can get through any good book, as I read pages and chapters over and over again! I am have been reading a book by Franklin Graham about his daddy for 2 years now, its title is “Through My Father’s Eyes.” I keep referring it time and time again, as I do my Bible of course! My office is a mess! I have Many of my favorite books scattered on the floor to reach for in time of need! My office in a mess of books!

From Joe McKeever:

So, you’re reading the Bible through in a year?  Or, like a few people I’ve known, you read it through every year for the umpteenth time.

Fine. But–in my humble opinion–after you have done it two or three times, that’s enough. Don’t ever do it again.

Just my suggestion.

Reading the entire Bible in a year is like seeing Europe in a week: You will notice a lot of things you don’t see from ground level, but it’s no way to get to know a country. More Here

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