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7 Sacred Songs to Sing in Honor of Memorial Day

The Christian Post:

Memorial Day is a solemn holiday in the United States in which Americans are called to remember those who fought and died in the service of this nation.

The federal holiday traces its roots to the 19th century observance “Decoration Day,” which was created to celebrate the memories of fallen Union soldiers.

While it’s not a holiday known for having its own specific music like, say, Christmas, many songs of a religious and patriotic nature have become associated with Memorial Day. More Here

The following is an article concerning a small country WE helped liberate from tyranny in World War II and the sacrifices WE paid to provide these people with exactly the same thing we claim to cherish today and I ask you to please note the difference in the amount of respect each country pays to those sacrifices. In Maastricht in the Netherlands it is not just a picnic and party! More Here

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