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8 Reasons the Apostle Paul Finished His Race Well—And What We Can Learn From Him

Man oh man! This preaches! One of the most outstanding messages ever! I love the writings of Chuck Lawless. I read this as I had my coffee this morning with the windows open hearing the birds sing! So much peace of God! Thank you Lord!

I would encourage you to print this message and tape it to your wall! Basic Christianity!

Thank you Mr. Chuck Lawless!

Some years ago, I wrote two posts about finishing well (“10 Characteristics of Pastors who Finished Well” and “10 Characteristics of Leaders who Last”). Today, though, I’m thinking of the apostle Paul, who with spiritual confidence could write, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7). Here are some reasons he finished well that challenge me at this point in my ministry: Here

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