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Albuquerque Crowd: “Graduations not funerals”

The Baptist Press: For American religion in recent years, the story has often been one of decline. A shrinking number of Americans — 16 percent — say religion is the most important thing in their lives, down from 20 percent in 2013. And nearly 3 in 10 — or 29 percent — say religion is not important to them at all, up from 19 percent 10 years ago.

The downfall of America, where people think they are above God. Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! Satan has blinded so many.

The ABQ Journal Reports: The crowd patrolled the school grounds, shaking cow bells, holding signs reading such things as “graduations not funerals,” and chanting “Two, four, six, eight — stop the violence, stop the hate!”


“Satan wants to turn the Ten Commandments into the Ten Suggestions since a law without penalty is merely advice.” Adrian Rogers.

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