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‘Every Demon in Hell Has Been Turned Loose’

Don’t you see people? The destruction of the world is right before your eyes. Time is urgent to carry out The Great Commission and stop the high school pep rallies! Act before its to late. Be a soul saver for JESUS! What are you going to do today for JESUS? So many in the world are going to hell.

“The world is deteriorating so quickly. It seems like every demon in hell has been turned loose,” Franklin Graham said. “And we cannot be deceived and we can’t be fooled. We need to get ready and be prepared.” More Here

When are the End Times:

This message is from James Emery White from Outreach Magazine. Thank you sir! Point On!

Are we living in the end times?

The immediate answer is, “Yes, of course we are.” Technically, we have been living in the end times ever since the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, the end times began. That was the fulfillment of all of redemptive history—what God had been working toward since Creation and the Fall of Adam and Eve. Story Here

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