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New Mexico Methodist Churches to Vote on Performing Same Sex Marriages, Judge Clears Way for Disaffiliations From United Methodist Church in North Georgia

This mess makes Satan very happy.

The Santa Fe New Mexican Reports:

Some  New Mexico Methodist Churches oppose changes that could result in the United Methodist Church condoning and performing same sex marriages. Read more


(RNS) — The North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church can’t just press “pause” on disaffiliations from the denomination by churches in its area, according to a ruling Tuesday (May 16) by a Georgia judge.

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Texas Megachurch Starts Its Own Denomination – “Methodist Collegiate Church”

God’s Word is very clear……….It is never a good idea to put yourself above God! We see the downfall of America right before our eyes. I wrote about it yesterday,

From Got Questions: Every mention of marriage in the Bible refers to the union of a male and a female. The first mention of marriage, Genesis 2:24, describes it as a man leaving his parents and being united to his wife. In passages that contain instructions regarding marriage, such as 1 Corinthians 7:2–16 and Ephesians 5:23–33, the Bible clearly identifies marriage as being between a man and a woman. Biblically speaking, marriage is the lifetime union of a man and a woman, primarily for the purpose of building a family and providing a stable environment for that family. More Here

God’s Word is very clear……….It is never a good idea to attempt to put yourself above God! We see the downfall of America right before our eyes. I wrote about it yesterday:WE HAVE BEEN SOUNDING THE ALARM! God, Truth, Sin, and Church: Shocking Study Reveals How Americans’ Shifting Views Spark Biblical Worldview Crisis

Yesterday I was blessed to serve God and a wonderful family. I officiated the funeral of a young lady. I preached as always, God’s Word with love. I was so encouraged by the young and older people that came forward after the service to thank me for the message God gave me. I needed the hope! I pray that I always reach young and old in the truth and love of God. God knew I needed encouragement for such a time as this. They tanked me for preaching the truth in love!

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