STATEMENT: On Title 42 expiration and Otero Co. Processing Center and border operations
ARTESIA, NM: The expiration of Title 42 and continuation of the border security crisis created by the Biden Administration is set to reach a boiling point tomorrow. NM State Representative and NM Republican National Committeeman Jim Townsend today issued a statement highlighting the crisis and the work that many are doing at our nation’s border to protect border communities and migrants.
NM State Rep Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) said, “Before Title 42 expires tomorrow, I wanted to thank all our border agents and staff, especially our Otero County Processing Center, for their tireless and thankless work on border security. Unfortunately, elected leaders from Biden to Lujan Grisham have allowed this crisis to crescendo to what exists today. There are tools and opportunities to provide safety for our border communities and those crossing legally. Despite these humanitarian concerns, progressives back an agenda of open borders that threaten not only the lives and security of Americans but also those vulnerable and fleeing migrants looking for better opportunities. America can do better. We should welcome migrants with a process and not open borders that proliferate human trafficking and force migrant families to begin their lives in the same crisis that they left their home country.”
Rep. Townsend continued, “Facilities like the Otero County Processing Center provide critically needed jobs for our citizens and support the protection of our borders as well as the safety of the migrant population that is too often taken advantage of by criminals during times like these. As Title 42 expires tomorrow we must immediately protect our borders and provide needed changes to our immigration policy. Our Border Patrol and ICE officers protect our citizens and our borders as well as the migrants, and I join many Americans and New Mexicans in thanking them for their selfless service.”
This morning we are praying over all this chaos! I pray for law and order and the safety of all. It pains me to see our country in such chaos.
Washington Times:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been releasing illegal immigrants, including those with criminal records, from custody to clear space for the looming surge of more migrants at the border, in the latest sign of the government’s scramble to prepare for the onslaught.
“Chaotic and disorganized” is how one expert described the situation at the U.S.-Mexican border. Migrants by the tens of thousands are expected at the border in the days after the government’s Title 42 COVID restrictions end Thursday. While 1,500 U.S. troops are on hand to help, the concern is that most of the migrants will try to cross illegally, raising the potential for violence. Here’s what you need to know.