New Mexico has become so very ungodly as has America. Pot is legal in New Mexico and now the state is spending money running ads telling people not to drive stoned!!!! How messed up is that? I think state government needs to see a shrink! NO! They need JESUS!  They are very STUPID! The state is dumbing down the people with pot and booze, which you can have  delivered to your home! Just think, a state that is battling addiction and drunk driving deaths allows home delivery of booze! STUPID! Just plain STUPID! My understanding is that home delivery of pot has started or will in the near future. The state loves to feed addictions. But! The voters must like all this evil as they reelected Michelle Lujan Grisham. I ask this question of you New Mexico! It seems to me the majority of folks here care more about pot, booze and whatever makes them high, than God’s babies. The state allows the killing of babies through abortions. The state also has this horrible agency, CYFD, that is to protect God’s children and it is a failure that both the DEMS and GOP allow to just go on in its dysfunctional ways, and children die. CYFD has been ran by both Dem and GOP governors. Complete failure. New Mexico can’t run CYFD any longer. Think about it! Now I saw this when I got home from preaching in Grants yesterday, what a slap in the face to godly principles! Connoisseurs recruited to be Cannabis Cup judges

Do you not see Satan burning America down? Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. The evil results are right before your eyes!

I really think the majority of New Mexicans care more about pot that God’s babies.

New Mexico just continues to go to hell as America does……..Follow the money on all this evil! Check out whose getting rich with all this evil! Do your research!

Teen marijuana use has been on the rise for several reasons. Weed is now readily available and inexpensive. Plus, more than 20 states have legalized recreational marijuana for people age 21 and older. That also means teenagers and even preteens have more exposure and access to pot. One result is an increase in marijuana abuse and misuse among teens. More Here

God Calls Us to Be Uncomfortable! What Are You Doing For The Kingdom?

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