This is just totally disgusting! If you are not Disgusted, you must not have a pulse. New Mexico will answer to God for its ugliness. Why can you not get out of this dark hole New Mexico? I am sick and tired of this situation. I have lived here since 1995, and it only gets worse for God’s children. I am confused by all the high school type pep rallies many Christians hold in this state, I do not see them have any effect on the well-being of our children. So much self-promotion is going on, just look at Facebook, you would think New Mexico won the World Series! God is watching, how can God be happy with New Mexico?

Focus on God, not self. There are children crying and dying in New Mexico. God is watching you. I grew up in the late 50’s and early 60’s, when you were called out for bad behavior, by your parents, teachers, anyone in authority. They would say, “Shame on you.” Of course in this NEW AMERICA, that is considered inappropriate behavior! UGH!

When Sharon and I are on the road we here this from many, “I do not go to Church, I see it making no difference.” Just think, only 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview! The results of this mess are right before your eyes.

This report on child well-being does not include the babies killed by abortion and guns. This is the greatest sin of New Mexico, killing God’s babies.

Now, New Mexico has legalized pot, many use pot and it is so very bad for our children’s health, it is mind altering. Many kids get their hands on pot and fentanyl. I know this from the funerals I do. I know of a baby that got into its mothers purse and took fentanyl and died. God is watching. We are losing generation after generation to evil.

I think we, New Mexico, get an F on child well-being. We are not raising up enough Christian families, mature Christians, despite all the pep rallies. There are Churches that no longer have Sunday school, not enough families coming to Church. There are Churches in New Mexico that have not baptized anyone for years. This is not from me, this is what God is, and has been showing me for years. I have a problem with a Church on every street corner and the state going to hell. Why is this? JESUS is the answer! No more pep rallies and politics please. The greatest failure of the American Church is not carrying out The Great Commission.

We all will be judged……

Got Questions states: The judgment seat of Christ involves a time in the future when believers will give an account of themselves to Christ. This is the plain teaching of Scripture: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). The warning is to Christians, not unbelievers. As Jesus taught in His parable, the king is going to return, at which time he will require an account from his servants (Luke 19:11–26). More Here

The ABQ Journal reports: New Mexico ranked last again in child well-being. But the numbers in a new report paint a complex picture.


Truth of the Referendum Project & and the Misleading Claims of the SOS

By Jodi Hendricks, New Mexico Family Action Movement

During the 2023 legislative session we saw progressive ideals passed by our legislature while family values were offended, and faith values were mocked. Despite receiving over 1 million messages asking to protect families, elections, and religious freedom, elected officials ignored the voice of the people and pushed forward the most radical anti-family legislation New Mexico has ever seen. But the thing about family is that New Mexicans are willing to fight for it and it is in that passion to protect our families that the Referendum Project was born. This project is a coalition of people from all over the state, from different political parties, creeds and backgrounds who have come together because of their love for their families, faith, and freedoms.

The Referendum Project is an opportunity for New Mexicans to practice their constitutional right to “disapprove, suspend, or annul any law enacted by the legislature.” (NM Constitution Article IV, Section 1.)


Many New Mexicans disapprove of: 1) the state taking away a parent’s right to be notified when their child accesses abortion or transgender treatments (HB7), 2) the state protecting an individual who takes our children to receive medical procedures without parental notification (SB13), bringing access or referrals to these services onto school campuses without requiring the parents be notified (SB397). We disapprove of election and voting process changes that will make our elections vulnerable to fraud and lack transparency (HB4, SB180). We disapprove of the state telling a religious organization that they can no longer make decisions based on their religious values (HB207).


The Referendum process allows us to petition these laws to be placed on the ballot in the next general election. Therefore, we submitted petition forms to the SOS for approval of the proper format. Unfortunately, the SOS, took an over extended amount of time before finally providing us with an “approved example” of the form. The forms that are circulating meet all requirements as laid out in the approved example. Claims that our forms are invalid are false.

The SOS then made a claim that the bills being petitioned do not qualify for the referendum process due to the constitution’s exemption of laws designated as “providing for the preservation of the public peace, health or safety.” There are two problems with the SOS’ claim. First, based on separation of powers, the SOS does not possess the authority to make this designation, only the legislature does. Second, if the legislature makes this determination the bill must contain three essential elements: the law must be effective immediately upon passage and approval; the law must receive a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber; the law must state in a separate section (emergency clause section) of the bill that the law is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health or safety, taking effect immediately.

The six laws being petitioned do not contain these essential elements. Claims that these laws do not qualify for referendum are false.

On April 11 a Verified Emergency Petition for Declaratory Judgment was filed in the 13th Judicial district against the SOS to address her overstep of authority. Recent statements from the SOS have mislead New Mexicans to believe that the case has been ruled on and has been dismissed. The SOS’ claim is false. According to Ramona Goolsby, who filed this petition, “there was NO ruling made on the merits of the case. Judge Noel’s dismissal has been set aside as of today and the case has been reopened.” This case is open and ongoing. In response to the poor handling of this case, Ramona Goolsby filed a complaint with the Judicial Standards Committee on Friday June 9, and has also filed an ethics complaint against the Secretary of State and the Attorney General with the New Mexico State Ethics Commission. Five other causes of action have been filed against the SOS in 4 other judicial districts across the state. At this time hearings have been set in two of those. In addition, Sen. Pirtle and Sen. Gallegos are filing a Notice of Support for our causes of action.

It is disheartening that leaders in New Mexico are actively blocking New Mexicans’ constitutional rights. We the people reserve the power. Why are our leaders so intent on keeping us from what is rightfully ours?

New Mexico Family Action Movement

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