Time For A Beautiful Day… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Time For A Beautiful Day…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Time for a good day, a beautiful day. I have learned to laugh on days that are less than perfect. Laugh at myself, laugh at things that try to steal my joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) 

No matter what is going on beautiful people, put your praise music on and declare the Word of the Lord over your lives. Stay in the fight, the good fight of faith. As Christians, it’s not over until we see him face to face. Amen? Amen!

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that every day is a new beginning. Yesterday is gone, but today is a new day. This could be the day that the bowl is tipped, and you answer our prayer. We thank you by faith for the answer.

Father, you make all things new. Your Word tells us to forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. (Isaiah 43:18-21)

Father, thank you for a beautiful day to journey life with you. It’s going to be a great day! Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Find the joy in your day.



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