“The true man of God is heartsick, grieved at the worldliness of the Church, grieved at the toleration of sin in the Church, grieved at the prayerlessness in the Church. He is disturbed that the corporate prayer of the Church no longer pulls down the strongholds of the devil.”

Photo: Off-duty Bernalillo County, New Mexico Sheriff John Allen, in white shirt, arrests shoplifter thug. From the

The thugs that are stealing need to be stopped! We must show our children there are consequences to breaking the law! We must put the thugs in jail! One of the most stupid things going on in this country there is no deterrent to crime! Here in New Mexico the judges love ‘catch and release.’ How dumb can America get?

Enough of these thugs raising hell in our communities! ENFORCE THE LAW! JAIL TIME MUST BE AUTOMATIC! NO GET OUT OF JAIL CARDS!

All stores must hire an armed security guard or guards! If owners care about their employees and customers it is a must!  An unarmed security guard is  useless, the thugs know that! So of late, Albuquerque has had a shooting death in a movie theatre, a shoot out in a grocery store and on and on evil has its way. NO DETTERENT TO CRIME!

My kind of Sheriff!!

Sheriff John Allen is my hero as well as Deputy J.P. Martinez!

KOAT TV REPORTS: A shoplifting suspect allegedly got into a fight with off-duty Bernalillo County New Mexico Sheriff John Allen and Deputy J.P. Martinez before being arrested on Friday night, according to court documents.

Story Here

From NY Post:

The shoplifting epidemic taking over America with a $100B annual price tag

The stories are everywhere: Walmart store closures in Portland and Chicago; an epidemic of drug store thefts in New York. In Baltimore, a “landmark” grocery store shuts its doors after nearly 25 years in a community desperate for fresh food.

While in San Francisco, reports of big-box chains abandoning its downtown have become near-daily occurrences. More Here

What Does God’s Word Say About Stealing?

Barna Research: Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. All this plays out in your community everyday, I smell hell from here.

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