104.7FM, Sandia Crest & PATH/Jesus Gathering

You Don't Want To Miss What God Is Doing In NM!


What’s happening this coming week in NM? Monday 10am MT, Pastor Jim Montoya of Open Door Ministries and I will be on 104.7FM sharing about what God is doing in and around our state! Believers from TX, CA, IL, OK, New England and hopefully ALL from in and around New Mexico will join us Wednesday, August 23, 6:30-8pm on Sandia Crest for The Rooftop Encounter, praying over our most populated area, ABQ Metro, leading up to Prayer At The Heart Of Bernalillo County and The Jesus Gathering at Balloon Fiesta Park, August 25-27, beginning Friday at 4pm, Saturday 10am & Sunday 9am! Register for these FREE Events TODAY @ http://www.christianbody.tv INVITE Others & SPREAD THE WORD.

Imagine if all 2,000 churches in the ABQ Metro area showed up to seek The Lord, while He may be found, worship Him In Spirit & Truth, come together as One in unity, as Jesus prayed to The Father in John 17 and let His Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace & Joy, Come & His Perfect and Acceptable Word, Will & Way Be Done On This Earth, as It Is In HEAVEN! You and I are the salt and light of this world, so why not Come and See what God wants to do in New Mexico? Visit http://prayerattheheart.org for more on this national prayer movement (please share this information with others you know throughout America) and http://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com to learn more about what God’s doing in and around our state.

FYI:  Saturday, September 23, 12:30-5:30pm, “Israel Awake” will be at New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in Albuquerque, as Jew & Gentile come together as The One New Man in Messiah/Christ/The Anointed One!


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